Hancock family diary, 1879
1879-07-21 -- 1879-07-22
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July 21 - Monday Pleasant, All about as usual Lena up early & at the washing which had out of way (with some extra cleaning up) in A.M. Of course I was busy in kitchen part of day, doing more cleaning up, expecting Lena is going "[harvesting"] soon. Also at jobs repairing. July 22 All passing along the same till Lena had word she was wanted in "the field" & had her Brother & wife here to dinner. She got ironing & chores out of way so as to leave middle P.M. After supper I went over to Geo's & Rose's to spend the night.
July 21 - Monday Pleasant, All about as usual Lena up early & at the washing which had out of way (with some extra cleaning up) in A.M. Of course I was busy in kitchen part of day, doing more cleaning up, expecting Lena is going "[harvesting"] soon. Also at jobs repairing. July 22 All passing along the same till Lena had word she was wanted in "the field" & had her Brother & wife here to dinner. She got ironing & chores out of way so as to leave middle P.M. After supper I went over to Geo's & Rose's to spend the night.
Pioneer Lives