Hancock family diary, 1879
1879-08-28 -- 1879-08-29
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Thursday August 28 Weather remains same, Mer not quite reaching 90°+ to-day. All passing along as usual, after writing & filling up diary for past few days, & doing usual chores I spent rest of time repairing till last of P.M. & in eve I was finishing "up her edging" & putting it on to small flannel blanket. I didn't get out-side yard, haven't seen Rose to day, Mary Earls called in P.M. & I tried to have faint spell meantime. August 29 After doing up chores in morn I went over to see Rose of errand then down to Mrs Spaulding (learning she was at home) after which I hurried home, having pain in ankle, putting same into water & rubbing it what I could, home soon after 11 o,c, Mrs Howe in in P.M. & bandaged it couple times with (Amiea butter?) so I could walk out to tea. Charlotte in short time in P.M. Must have twisted ankle (rest of page illegible)
Thursday August 28 Weather remains same, Mer not quite reaching 90°+ to-day. All passing along as usual, after writing & filling up diary for past few days, & doing usual chores I spent rest of time repairing till last of P.M. & in eve I was finishing "up her edging" & putting it on to small flannel blanket. I didn't get out-side yard, haven't seen Rose to day, Mary Earls called in P.M. & I tried to have faint spell meantime. August 29 After doing up chores in morn I went over to see Rose of errand then down to Mrs Spaulding (learning she was at home) after which I hurried home, having pain in ankle, putting same into water & rubbing it what I could, home soon after 11 o,c, Mrs Howe in in P.M. & bandaged it couple times with (Amiea butter?) so I could walk out to tea. Charlotte in short time in P.M. Must have twisted ankle (rest of page illegible)
Pioneer Lives