Hancock family diary, 1879
1879-12-04 -- 1879-12-05
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Thursday December 4 Mild & cloudy all day, with mist in air last of P.M. & evening. I found little jobs as usual with some extra, to keep me busy most of A.M. Lena doing considerable cooking, so as to (?) us for few days, which she did in P.M. to attend a friends wedding. I went in to see Rose & "Clyde" few minutes then up to see Charlotte she coming home with me, doing little shopping on the way. We two spent eve alone. I commenced another Tidy. December 5 Very unpleasant, fine rain falling most of day, of course we spent the day "at home", Charlotte helping as usual about what "house work" there was to be done, she at work crotcheting on hood, & I at work on canvas Tidy (commenced last eve) what time could get, but we didn't have a very long A.M. but lengthened out P.M. Ellery in quite late too
Thursday December 4 Mild & cloudy all day, with mist in air last of P.M. & evening. I found little jobs as usual with some extra, to keep me busy most of A.M. Lena doing considerable cooking, so as to (?) us for few days, which she did in P.M. to attend a friends wedding. I went in to see Rose & "Clyde" few minutes then up to see Charlotte she coming home with me, doing little shopping on the way. We two spent eve alone. I commenced another Tidy. December 5 Very unpleasant, fine rain falling most of day, of course we spent the day "at home", Charlotte helping as usual about what "house work" there was to be done, she at work crotcheting on hood, & I at work on canvas Tidy (commenced last eve) what time could get, but we didn't have a very long A.M. but lengthened out P.M. Ellery in quite late too
Pioneer Lives