Hancock family diary, 1879
1879-12-28 -- 1879-12-29
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but stood 29°+ at 5 o,c, P.M. Sunday December 28 Cloudy most of day, & colder than yesterday, Mer standing 26°+ at noon, but no wind, As I was troubled with a lame foot & ankle (from what cause don't know) Charlotte wouldn't let me do anything about the work, & stopped with me till time for her to attend S-school; & Ellery went to church, but he spent first of P.M. with me & Charlotte here last half of it, but out to church in eve. After E_ got home to late supper. December 29 Cloudy all day, with little snow falling first of P.M. tho' colder Mer 12°+ at 11 o,c, remaining there most of day, till sunset, it was only 8°+. I kept busy about house most of A.M. & till middle P.M. Charlotte doing "chamber work" & helping all she could, I baked bread & graham gems, cooking steak & potatoes for dinner, Charlotte & I spent an hour down town last of P.M. eve at home. Estelle called
but stood 29°+ at 5 o,c, P.M. Sunday December 28 Cloudy most of day, & colder than yesterday, Mer standing 26°+ at noon, but no wind, As I was troubled with a lame foot & ankle (from what cause don't know) Charlotte wouldn't let me do anything about the work, & stopped with me till time for her to attend S-school; & Ellery went to church, but he spent first of P.M. with me & Charlotte here last half of it, but out to church in eve. After E_ got home to late supper. December 29 Cloudy all day, with little snow falling first of P.M. tho' colder Mer 12°+ at 11 o,c, remaining there most of day, till sunset, it was only 8°+. I kept busy about house most of A.M. & till middle P.M. Charlotte doing "chamber work" & helping all she could, I baked bread & graham gems, cooking steak & potatoes for dinner, Charlotte & I spent an hour down town last of P.M. eve at home. Estelle called
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