Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-02-04 -- 1900-02-10
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February, 1900. Sun. 4. 2 or 3 above. Fair, N.W. Very pleasant P.M., & Ch & I made some calls on the sick in west town. I & Harris was at church evg. Mon. 5. 18° snwg south. Snowed 4 or 5 in. all day. - Recording. Abstracting evg till 9:20 supper at hotel. - C came to office P.M. & went home sick. - Clearing & colder, evg. N.W. Tues. 6. 0. Clear, S. Warming again. Busy at office. Charlotte at Pratts to tea. 114-6 = 108 lb. Wed. 7. 34° Foggy. A little rain in night. Rainy evg, North wind. Very busy. Office 2 hrs. Evg - C. in P.M. Thurs. 8. 8° Howling Blizzard. Fair later & getting down. Busy - Headache. - M.E. Mite soc. - C. in P.M. - At home evg. Mer 7°-9:30 P.M. Fri. 9 16° - Clr. N.W. gtle. 4+ noon. 0 evg. - Busy. Left eye headache P.M. & evg. At home. Folks at Rev. Stewart's 35th Wed. anniversary. Sat. 10. 10° above. Cloudy S. Busy. C. in P.M.
February, 1900. Sun. 4. 2 or 3 above. Fair, N.W. Very pleasant P.M., & Ch & I made some calls on the sick in west town. I & Harris was at church evg. Mon. 5. 18° snwg south. Snowed 4 or 5 in. all day. - Recording. Abstracting evg till 9:20 supper at hotel. - C came to office P.M. & went home sick. - Clearing & colder, evg. N.W. Tues. 6. 0. Clear, S. Warming again. Busy at office. Charlotte at Pratts to tea. 114-6 = 108 lb. Wed. 7. 34° Foggy. A little rain in night. Rainy evg, North wind. Very busy. Office 2 hrs. Evg - C. in P.M. Thurs. 8. 8° Howling Blizzard. Fair later & getting down. Busy - Headache. - M.E. Mite soc. - C. in P.M. - At home evg. Mer 7°-9:30 P.M. Fri. 9 16° - Clr. N.W. gtle. 4+ noon. 0 evg. - Busy. Left eye headache P.M. & evg. At home. Folks at Rev. Stewart's 35th Wed. anniversary. Sat. 10. 10° above. Cloudy S. Busy. C. in P.M.
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