Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-03-11 -- 1900-03-17
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March 1909 thawing rapidly Sun. 11. Fine day; all of Ch morn and Evg. 2 Baptisms Evg. Had Dr. Stillman treat that tooth. Wrote George Evg. Mon 12. Cloudy but thawing some. Snow all gone from streets, but a foot in the garden. - Busy. C in P. M. - office Evg a shor time. Tues. 13. Clearly & cold N.W Not so busy. C in P.M- office Evg. at church [ofcs.] Wed. 14. 8 degrees or 10 degrees clear N.W. Cold day. Busy. C. in P.M Harrie laid up with a cold. Home Evg. Thurs. 15. 2 degrees Clear, N.W [gtle], but a cold day with rough squalls of snow. N?ite soc. dinner. At home Evg. Fri. 16. 11 degrees - Fair N.W. rough. 2 degrees - or one [noon crossed out] About as roughas any day this winter - Abstructing - uninter- rupted. - C in P.M - Supper at hotel, & N office till 8:30 P.M. Sat. 17. 0 morn. Fair, S.W. - s[qually] snow[?]. 25 degrees at noon. Busy. C in P.M.
March 1909 thawing rapidly Sun. 11. Fine day; all of Ch morn and Evg. 2 Baptisms Evg. Had Dr. Stillman treat that tooth. Wrote George Evg. Mon 12. Cloudy but thawing some. Snow all gone from streets, but a foot in the garden. - Busy. C in P. M. - office Evg a shor time. Tues. 13. Clearly & cold N.W Not so busy. C in P.M- office Evg. at church [ofcs.] Wed. 14. 8 degrees or 10 degrees clear N.W. Cold day. Busy. C. in P.M Harrie laid up with a cold. Home Evg. Thurs. 15. 2 degrees Clear, N.W [gtle], but a cold day with rough squalls of snow. N?ite soc. dinner. At home Evg. Fri. 16. 11 degrees - Fair N.W. rough. 2 degrees - or one [noon crossed out] About as roughas any day this winter - Abstructing - uninter- rupted. - C in P.M - Supper at hotel, & N office till 8:30 P.M. Sat. 17. 0 morn. Fair, S.W. - s[qually] snow[?]. 25 degrees at noon. Busy. C in P.M.
Pioneer Lives