Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-05-06 -- 1900-05-12
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May 1900 Sun.6:Fair, milder.Theratening Evng.Arch north & evng;& Cememtery P.M. S-E Windy Mon.7:Thunder shower Early mornin.,drizzley rain all day.- C. [al?] office P.M. Tied up grape vines after supper Tues.8:Rainy and warm morn. Fair P.M. & getting couldy- C. in P.M. while I cleared out cellar.Set out so [better?] wind strawberries after supper. Wed. 9: Some Frost again. Warmer P.M. [set about 50 more?] worth [little brurry??] office. Mowed Eng. Thurs.10: Cove moru., clear N.W. Painters came-Townshed [?] Y ainelsison[? illegible]. Planted early corn. Mowed eng. Down Town Eng. [?] Cm. P.M. Fri.11: Fair, quite warm. 80 , and [illegible]. Set our Gaudies. Cleaned up East [?] for, Eng. [Evg?] Miss.Bjierke at house sewing-1 only [illegible] per day Sat.12: Fair and hot.83 dry and wind. Painter Oscar Anderson here [our??] day. [Iliegible sentence]. Rather busy in office. Mowing Eng [evg?] and sprinkling
May 1900 Sun.6:Fair, milder.Theratening Evng.Arch north & evng;& Cememtery P.M. S-E Windy Mon.7:Thunder shower Early mornin.,drizzley rain all day.- C. [al?] office P.M. Tied up grape vines after supper Tues.8:Rainy and warm morn. Fair P.M. & getting couldy- C. in P.M. while I cleared out cellar.Set out so [better?] wind strawberries after supper. Wed. 9: Some Frost again. Warmer P.M. [set about 50 more?] worth [little brurry??] office. Mowed Eng. Thurs.10: Cove moru., clear N.W. Painters came-Townshed [?] Y ainelsison[? illegible]. Planted early corn. Mowed eng. Down Town Eng. [?] Cm. P.M. Fri.11: Fair, quite warm. 80 , and [illegible]. Set our Gaudies. Cleaned up East [?] for, Eng. [Evg?] Miss.Bjierke at house sewing-1 only [illegible] per day Sat.12: Fair and hot.83 dry and wind. Painter Oscar Anderson here [our??] day. [Iliegible sentence]. Rather busy in office. Mowing Eng [evg?] and sprinkling
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