Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-06-24 -- 1900-06-30
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June 1900 Sun. 24 VERY WARM, 90' or more + only a light S.E. breeze. - church morn +evg. Pastor Stewart exchanged with Methodist McCord, Morn. Mon. 25. Dry and hot, 94'. Hoed + sprinkled, +mowed evg. Tues. 26. Very hot and breeze variable. N. Rippe cleaned her house morn, and I turned rubbish and mowed. Tea at Alex(illegible - alexandria's?) E.C. Hall's house burned 11 p.m. by lightning - terrific thunder storm 10 to 1 o'clock Clara out till morn. Wed. 27. Windy and growing cooler, clearing p.m. In doubt whether to go to chicago but finally gave it up because of Ed Hall's loss. Busy at office. Not down town evg. All our elec. lights were burned out last night. Thurs 28. Find day and comfortably cool. Office as usual with a GROWING HEADACHE. Mile Soc. Supper. Went to bed early. Fri. 29. Fine and cool. Not very well; eyes bother considerably - supper and evg. at Frank Robbins'. Guest Day for Women's Club. Sat. 30. Quite cool morn. Fair Day. Quite busy. Mowed evg, and down [illegible]
June 1900 Sun. 24 VERY WARM, 90' or more + only a light S.E. breeze. - church morn +evg. Pastor Stewart exchanged with Methodist McCord, Morn. Mon. 25. Dry and hot, 94'. Hoed + sprinkled, +mowed evg. Tues. 26. Very hot and breeze variable. N. Rippe cleaned her house morn, and I turned rubbish and mowed. Tea at Alex(illegible - alexandria's?) E.C. Hall's house burned 11 p.m. by lightning - terrific thunder storm 10 to 1 o'clock Clara out till morn. Wed. 27. Windy and growing cooler, clearing p.m. In doubt whether to go to chicago but finally gave it up because of Ed Hall's loss. Busy at office. Not down town evg. All our elec. lights were burned out last night. Thurs 28. Find day and comfortably cool. Office as usual with a GROWING HEADACHE. Mile Soc. Supper. Went to bed early. Fri. 29. Fine and cool. Not very well; eyes bother considerably - supper and evg. at Frank Robbins'. Guest Day for Women's Club. Sat. 30. Quite cool morn. Fair Day. Quite busy. Mowed evg, and down [illegible]
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