Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-08-05 -- 1900-08-11
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August 1900 Sun. 5. Still extremely hot at church [morn.?] only. Rosanna here to [dinner?] and sup. Mon. 6. Hot today. 91 or 92. Diarrhea a.m. and p.m.-Charlotte took my place at office p.m. Tues. 7. Fair and hot. 93 degrees. Busy in office. Down town evg. to see Co. I off to camp. Wed. 8. More cloudiness, but hot as yesterday; good breeze, southerly. Mowed a little, evg. Rosanna went to Dubuque Thurs. 9. Fair, about 93 degrees. South-erly breeze, - S.W. evg. Busy office. [Mite?] soc. supper. Mowed evg. Fri. 10. Fair and hot and dusty. Increas-ing cloudiness. - froze cream after dinner for C's "summer club." Sat. 11. Shower in night, and eight shower morn. - very busy at office.
August 1900 Sun. 5. Still extremely hot at church [morn.?] only. Rosanna here to [dinner?] and sup. Mon. 6. Hot today. 91 or 92. Diarrhea a.m. and p.m.-Charlotte took my place at office p.m. Tues. 7. Fair and hot. 93 degrees. Busy in office. Down town evg. to see Co. I off to camp. Wed. 8. More cloudiness, but hot as yesterday; good breeze, southerly. Mowed a little, evg. Rosanna went to Dubuque Thurs. 9. Fair, about 93 degrees. South-erly breeze, - S.W. evg. Busy office. [Mite?] soc. supper. Mowed evg. Fri. 10. Fair and hot and dusty. Increas-ing cloudiness. - froze cream after dinner for C's "summer club." Sat. 11. Shower in night, and eight shower morn. - very busy at office.
Pioneer Lives