Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-08-12 -- 1900-08-18
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August, 1900. Sun. 12. Cloudy + mild. Heavy rain [P?]M. late, - [al?] [ch?] morn + [Eng?]. That molar quite sore again with it. blind ulcer - Froze cream. Clara about will. Mon. 13. Bright cool morn. Quite warm again, + [illegible]. Busy. C. at office P.M.; I a white [Eng.?] Clara not able to attend [illegible]. Tues. 14. More rain in night. Fair + quite warm. Busy [ab?] [illegible] - C. in P. M. - Mowed [Eng.?] [Rev.?] P. [Leefeldt?] died. Wed. 15. More rain in night. Fair [thou?]. Finihed [abs.?] [illegible], + recording P.M. Mowed [Eng.?] Thurs. 16. No rain last night. Cloudy morn, fair P. M. - a little cooler. Quiet at office. C in P. M. while I at [Leefeldts'?] funeral. - Mowed [Eng.?] + called in at [illegible] to see new [illegible]. Fri. 17. More rain in night. Fair day + quite warm. Office as usual. 93 Sat. 18. Extremely hot; but quite a breeze from S. Busy day. Office a while [Eng?]
August, 1900. Sun. 12. Cloudy + mild. Heavy rain [P?]M. late, - [al?] [ch?] morn + [Eng?]. That molar quite sore again with it. blind ulcer - Froze cream. Clara about will. Mon. 13. Bright cool morn. Quite warm again, + [illegible]. Busy. C. at office P.M.; I a white [Eng.?] Clara not able to attend [illegible]. Tues. 14. More rain in night. Fair + quite warm. Busy [ab?] [illegible] - C. in P. M. - Mowed [Eng.?] [Rev.?] P. [Leefeldt?] died. Wed. 15. More rain in night. Fair [thou?]. Finihed [abs.?] [illegible], + recording P.M. Mowed [Eng.?] Thurs. 16. No rain last night. Cloudy morn, fair P. M. - a little cooler. Quiet at office. C in P. M. while I at [Leefeldts'?] funeral. - Mowed [Eng.?] + called in at [illegible] to see new [illegible]. Fri. 17. More rain in night. Fair day + quite warm. Office as usual. 93 Sat. 18. Extremely hot; but quite a breeze from S. Busy day. Office a while [Eng?]
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