Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-09-30 -- 1900-10-06
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September, 1900. Sun. 30. Fair & warm. At ch morn & evg. Mon. 1. October. Fair, early; cloudy P.M. & S.E. windy chill. Got in wood, morn. Tues. 2. Heavy rain early morn., & rainy day. Warm S.E. Recording, & billing. Wed. 3. Fair & very warm [^] hot. S.E. - Threatening storms, evg. Very busy day. Candidates' Mtg. Evg. - Invited to reception at Pongards [?], his daughter Clara wedded Ed. Spencer Charlotte sick. Thurs. 4. Hot day, with frequent copious showers, with th. & l. Dark in office. Busy recording & billing. C. in P.M. Home evg. with pain in eyes. Fri. 5. Fair morn., warm. threatening rain all day, but little fell. Not much doing at office. All at Harvest Home at church evg. Sat. 6. Very warm. Rained some in night, & some very heavy, driving showers, P.M. Dem Convention nominated E C Rippy as my opponent.
September, 1900. Sun. 30. Fair & warm. At ch morn & evg. Mon. 1. October. Fair, early; cloudy P.M. & S.E. windy chill. Got in wood, morn. Tues. 2. Heavy rain early morn., & rainy day. Warm S.E. Recording, & billing. Wed. 3. Fair & very warm [^] hot. S.E. - Threatening storms, evg. Very busy day. Candidates' Mtg. Evg. - Invited to reception at Pongards [?], his daughter Clara wedded Ed. Spencer Charlotte sick. Thurs. 4. Hot day, with frequent copious showers, with th. & l. Dark in office. Busy recording & billing. C. in P.M. Home evg. with pain in eyes. Fri. 5. Fair morn., warm. threatening rain all day, but little fell. Not much doing at office. All at Harvest Home at church evg. Sat. 6. Very warm. Rained some in night, & some very heavy, driving showers, P.M. Dem Convention nominated E C Rippy as my opponent.
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