Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-10-28 -- 1900-11-03
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October, 1900. Sun 28. Soaking rain in night. Fairish day; still warm. At ch. morn. & evg. Charlotte not out, because of cough. Mon. 29. Rainy & mild; muddy. Busy at office. C. in P.M. a while. Home evg. Harrie's eyes worse again, & Charlotte bad cough hangs on. Tues. 30. Warm & rainy. Busy office. Ch. in P/M. Down town evg. -- Eye ache Wed. 31 Left eye ache all night. Better today. -- Rainy day -- and from northerly, evg. -- C. in P.M. -- out collecting. -- Prayer meeting evg. & later at office. -- then at royal Neighbors social. Thurs. 1. November. Fair & cool; Northerly breeze. Very busy -- Dinner at church. C. in P.M. -- Down town evg. Fri. 2. Fair, mild, breezy. Abstracting & outside some -- At Woodmen evg. till most 12. Roseville Camp visited us. Sat. 3. Fine day, warm again. S. wind. Busy about town, C. in a while. Down town evg.
October, 1900. Sun 28. Soaking rain in night. Fairish day; still warm. At ch. morn. & evg. Charlotte not out, because of cough. Mon. 29. Rainy & mild; muddy. Busy at office. C. in P.M. a while. Home evg. Harrie's eyes worse again, & Charlotte bad cough hangs on. Tues. 30. Warm & rainy. Busy office. Ch. in P/M. Down town evg. -- Eye ache Wed. 31 Left eye ache all night. Better today. -- Rainy day -- and from northerly, evg. -- C. in P.M. -- out collecting. -- Prayer meeting evg. & later at office. -- then at royal Neighbors social. Thurs. 1. November. Fair & cool; Northerly breeze. Very busy -- Dinner at church. C. in P.M. -- Down town evg. Fri. 2. Fair, mild, breezy. Abstracting & outside some -- At Woodmen evg. till most 12. Roseville Camp visited us. Sat. 3. Fine day, warm again. S. wind. Busy about town, C. in a while. Down town evg.
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