Hancock family diary, 1900
1900-11-04 -- 1900-11-10
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November, 1900. Sun 4. Fine day; a little cooler. Northerly breeze. At ch morn & evg. -- C. out also,, Morn. Mon. 5. Fine day. Evg. signs of snow. -- C. in a while P.M.; office evg till 10:30 making list, &c. Tues. 6. Snowed all forenoon; mud & slush all P.M. -- On the street, mostly. -- McKinley victory. -- My majority about 800. Out till 1 o'clock for returns. Wed. 7. Variable, sun and snow-squalls NW & getting cooler. -- At office; payer-meeting evg. Thurs. 8. 21° Fair, N.W. -- wintry day. C. in office A.M. -- Housecleaning in Co. offices. Oiled office floor evg. Fri. 9. 22° Fair, Northerly. At office. P. Stevens putting down grape vines, etc. Sat. 10. 26° Fair until 4 P.M. Snow storm lasting 2 hrs. C. at office. I helping Ferris lay floor in dining room Office evg. Ins. &c
November, 1900. Sun 4. Fine day; a little cooler. Northerly breeze. At ch morn & evg. -- C. out also,, Morn. Mon. 5. Fine day. Evg. signs of snow. -- C. in a while P.M.; office evg till 10:30 making list, &c. Tues. 6. Snowed all forenoon; mud & slush all P.M. -- On the street, mostly. -- McKinley victory. -- My majority about 800. Out till 1 o'clock for returns. Wed. 7. Variable, sun and snow-squalls NW & getting cooler. -- At office; payer-meeting evg. Thurs. 8. 21° Fair, N.W. -- wintry day. C. in office A.M. -- Housecleaning in Co. offices. Oiled office floor evg. Fri. 9. 22° Fair, Northerly. At office. P. Stevens putting down grape vines, etc. Sat. 10. 26° Fair until 4 P.M. Snow storm lasting 2 hrs. C. at office. I helping Ferris lay floor in dining room Office evg. Ins. &c
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