James B. Weaver letters to Clara Vinson, 1856-1858
1858-05-02 Page 02
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For fear that you should not be at home when I call, I will tell you when to look for me, for I could not stand that by any means. I will be in K-, on Friday evening the 14th inst if nothing happens; however I may possibly be down Thursday evening. I shall if I can get [Mort?] to start that soon. We need not travel on Sabbath if we come as far as K, on Thursday. I shall expect to spend the evening exclusively with yourself--untill Sister Miller rings the bell. I hope you will not think me selfish with you? I shall beg to be excused from telling Mrs F. what you wanted me to, for she gave it to me, subrosa, so I would not like her to know that I then twitted you of it. You appear to think that it is "silly" for the ladies to act submissively towards their "liege lords." I think so too, when that submission becomes obsequious, for then a lady disrobes herself of the independence of her sex, and thus ceases to be a lady. But when submission is right, then, there should be no complaint. Now do not think that I am a domestic tyrant, anxiously waiting to be crowned so that I can exercise my kingly authority, for if you think so of me, you will, I hope, be happily disapointed. Clara, this is the "classic land of civil liberty," and I am far from wishing that spirit of liberality to be shut out from the marital house. Let prudence be ever present with us, and in the spirit of prudence let us act fearlessly. "Be just & fear not," said Woolsey to Cromwell, "let all the ends thou aimst at be thy gods, thy countries, & truths." This was good advice. Let us adopt it. I think that we can discharge our duties towards each other, without submitting to, or [excepting?] anything wrong, and without either of us loosing either our social or our intellectual identaty, although some people appear to think and act differently. Now don&'t you run off the evening I call. Well I guess their is no danger, is there? I cannot come within a few miles of home without calling to see you, any way it could be fixed. There is nothing wrong in that word "home" for "home is where there is one to love us," you know
For fear that you should not be at home when I call, I will tell you when to look for me, for I could not stand that by any means. I will be in K-, on Friday evening the 14th inst if nothing happens; however I may possibly be down Thursday evening. I shall if I can get [Mort?] to start that soon. We need not travel on Sabbath if we come as far as K, on Thursday. I shall expect to spend the evening exclusively with yourself--untill Sister Miller rings the bell. I hope you will not think me selfish with you? I shall beg to be excused from telling Mrs F. what you wanted me to, for she gave it to me, subrosa, so I would not like her to know that I then twitted you of it. You appear to think that it is "silly" for the ladies to act submissively towards their "liege lords." I think so too, when that submission becomes obsequious, for then a lady disrobes herself of the independence of her sex, and thus ceases to be a lady. But when submission is right, then, there should be no complaint. Now do not think that I am a domestic tyrant, anxiously waiting to be crowned so that I can exercise my kingly authority, for if you think so of me, you will, I hope, be happily disapointed. Clara, this is the "classic land of civil liberty," and I am far from wishing that spirit of liberality to be shut out from the marital house. Let prudence be ever present with us, and in the spirit of prudence let us act fearlessly. "Be just & fear not," said Woolsey to Cromwell, "let all the ends thou aimst at be thy gods, thy countries, & truths." This was good advice. Let us adopt it. I think that we can discharge our duties towards each other, without submitting to, or [excepting?] anything wrong, and without either of us loosing either our social or our intellectual identaty, although some people appear to think and act differently. Now don&'t you run off the evening I call. Well I guess their is no danger, is there? I cannot come within a few miles of home without calling to see you, any way it could be fixed. There is nothing wrong in that word "home" for "home is where there is one to love us," you know
Civil War Diaries and Letters