Travel writings by Drewelowe, 1920s
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According to your history you remember that Pompeii originally was a Greek City. In 79 A.D. it was first buried by Vesuvious and after a period of oblivion it was excavated, then again buried several times in succession. The first few times it was rebuilt and repeopled but this last excavation remain only a city of ruins. Pompeii is quite like any other ruined city and even resembles the deserted cities of India which we visited. Pompeii old walls and ruins are a dead-grey; the deserted cities of India were a warm red, pinks or even mellow yellow in color and really are a more picturesque & interesting. Pompeii is more interesting historically. The relationship that it bears to Ves. give it color; some of the Indian cities have been deserted for no known reason, but probably sometimes a plague, or some disease was the cause. Pompeii was laid out in squares much as our cities of today with streets intersecting at right angles. Each block comprised a solid mass of buildings. Those along the streets were given over to shops, but behind the shops the homes were built around a court or garden. The only separation
According to your history you remember that Pompeii originally was a Greek City. In 79 A.D. it was first buried by Vesuvious and after a period of oblivion it was excavated, then again buried several times in succession. The first few times it was rebuilt and repeopled but this last excavation remain only a city of ruins. Pompeii is quite like any other ruined city and even resembles the deserted cities of India which we visited. Pompeii old walls and ruins are a dead-grey; the deserted cities of India were a warm red, pinks or even mellow yellow in color and really are a more picturesque & interesting. Pompeii is more interesting historically. The relationship that it bears to Ves. give it color; some of the Indian cities have been deserted for no known reason, but probably sometimes a plague, or some disease was the cause. Pompeii was laid out in squares much as our cities of today with streets intersecting at right angles. Each block comprised a solid mass of buildings. Those along the streets were given over to shops, but behind the shops the homes were built around a court or garden. The only separation
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries