Wise-Clark family papers, May-July 1865
1865-05-18-Page 01
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Home May 18th. 1865 Dear "Tillie & Sam" here goes - with this same old worn out blotting - [gold] pen again cant find any other. to be frank with you, I did'nt look much. for any other, was to fatigued, we ---- white washed the Kitchen to day or - Arnest did", washed the 'Cupboard & Dishes, windows, floor, moved the Dining room Stove - into the Kitchen. Blacked it - untill it shines like a Nigers face in August, took the Cooking Stove over in the Wash House, then quit for to day. we intended. to Clean - (Vertically, at head of page:-) Well we cut fishing rods, put our Lines on then I gave Mag my Hook to try her luck while Jessie & I hunted for flowers, peggie did'nt have nary Bight. & soon told me to take my old Hook, well the Broad & Short of the matter was. Bell Caught two wee Lionfish & Lib & I not one & the Duece take Millers hole I say. for its a mighty mean, Dirty hole any how Good morning too ye Im going to bed - Bell
Home May 18th. 1865 Dear "Tillie & Sam" here goes - with this same old worn out blotting - [gold] pen again cant find any other. to be frank with you, I did'nt look much. for any other, was to fatigued, we ---- white washed the Kitchen to day or - Arnest did", washed the 'Cupboard & Dishes, windows, floor, moved the Dining room Stove - into the Kitchen. Blacked it - untill it shines like a Nigers face in August, took the Cooking Stove over in the Wash House, then quit for to day. we intended. to Clean - (Vertically, at head of page:-) Well we cut fishing rods, put our Lines on then I gave Mag my Hook to try her luck while Jessie & I hunted for flowers, peggie did'nt have nary Bight. & soon told me to take my old Hook, well the Broad & Short of the matter was. Bell Caught two wee Lionfish & Lib & I not one & the Duece take Millers hole I say. for its a mighty mean, Dirty hole any how Good morning too ye Im going to bed - Bell
Civil War Diaries and Letters