Wise-Clark family papers, May-July 1865
1865-07-22-Page 03
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My Captain, as you call him, was at last accounts at Fort [Lear?] expecting every day to start over the plains with his Battery - The Indians are awful. Two letters from Bro - [Its] in two dailies rec'd today - He reports sad news - The Indians a committing all sorts of depredations - He is in D.T - ten miles from Platte Bridge - His Co. numbering 75 are garrisoning a post against 300 red-skins - Have had one attack - were expecting another momentarily "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip" - I may be a war widow yet - Who knows - Dont scold me - I aint promised to no body nor nuthin - but we dont know what a day may bring forth - Lizzie Treat sends love - It is raining again - We start for home in a few days - I'm tired of this place - Its awful sundified - quiter than the country
My Captain, as you call him, was at last accounts at Fort [Lear?] expecting every day to start over the plains with his Battery - The Indians are awful. Two letters from Bro - [Its] in two dailies rec'd today - He reports sad news - The Indians a committing all sorts of depredations - He is in D.T - ten miles from Platte Bridge - His Co. numbering 75 are garrisoning a post against 300 red-skins - Have had one attack - were expecting another momentarily "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip" - I may be a war widow yet - Who knows - Dont scold me - I aint promised to no body nor nuthin - but we dont know what a day may bring forth - Lizzie Treat sends love - It is raining again - We start for home in a few days - I'm tired of this place - Its awful sundified - quiter than the country
Civil War Diaries and Letters