Evelyn Birkby school days memory book, 1933-1936
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indealable lip stick butler & eggs butter & yeggs Her Step-Husband Presented by Jr. Class, Waukee High School May 3 - 1935. Characters. Harvey P. Marshall - Mary's permanent husband - Dillon Merical Dr. Gerald Niles - Mary's husband pro-tem James Johnson Limpy Lannigan - An ex-convict Leonard Dalmadge Officer Shea - An affable cap - Walter Hinkson Mary Marshall - An incurable romanticist Edith Griggs Sylvia Allen - Mary's friend - Helen Mitchell Miss Emily Paisley - Her aunt- Evelyn Corrie Florence Ainslee - Her cousin - Madeline Farrett Stella - Her maid - Phyllis Copeland Time - The present Place - Harvey P. Marshall's bungalow at Crestlate. a suburb of New York. Act I - The dining room of Harvey Marshall's bungalow at about seven o clock in the evening. Willard Carter - Clarinet Solo. Act II - Scene I - Same as Act I - Two hours later. Scene II - The curtains will drop to show a lapse of two hours. David Smith - Vocal Solo. Act III Same as Act I. Ten minutes later than Scene II of [illegible] act. week knees feathers rings curtains - drapes tin-roof blues
indealable lip stick butler & eggs butter & yeggs Her Step-Husband Presented by Jr. Class, Waukee High School May 3 - 1935. Characters. Harvey P. Marshall - Mary's permanent husband - Dillon Merical Dr. Gerald Niles - Mary's husband pro-tem James Johnson Limpy Lannigan - An ex-convict Leonard Dalmadge Officer Shea - An affable cap - Walter Hinkson Mary Marshall - An incurable romanticist Edith Griggs Sylvia Allen - Mary's friend - Helen Mitchell Miss Emily Paisley - Her aunt- Evelyn Corrie Florence Ainslee - Her cousin - Madeline Farrett Stella - Her maid - Phyllis Copeland Time - The present Place - Harvey P. Marshall's bungalow at Crestlate. a suburb of New York. Act I - The dining room of Harvey Marshall's bungalow at about seven o clock in the evening. Willard Carter - Clarinet Solo. Act II - Scene I - Same as Act I - Two hours later. Scene II - The curtains will drop to show a lapse of two hours. David Smith - Vocal Solo. Act III Same as Act I. Ten minutes later than Scene II of [illegible] act. week knees feathers rings curtains - drapes tin-roof blues
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries