Eliphalet W. Ensign diary, January 1864-August 1865
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Friday, June 17, 1864 Call in line 2 o'clock A.M. on picket guard 1 mile north camp in cotton field our post cosists of four 2 of Co. [H?] & 2 of Co E. weather [illegible] warm. wrote letter to E. S. Peck. G. N. Evans & Ranson went to the planters house & he gave them some cherries H F S benton officer of the guard Saturday 18 Stood picket from 12 o clock till 2 A.M. weather quitt warm. Some cows got in cotton near our post. I found my canteen filled with new milk we were relieved at ten and reported to Camp at 11 1/2 o clock. A.M I lost my knife & gold pen. found I think by Ranson Sunday 19 Called in line at 3 o clock AM General inspection took place at 9 o clock AM. By Co. Commanders. 5 mess was detailed from each co. to report at Depot well armed and with 1 days rations. wrote letters C. R. Harmon. on Picket
Friday, June 17, 1864 Call in line 2 o'clock A.M. on picket guard 1 mile north camp in cotton field our post cosists of four 2 of Co. [H?] & 2 of Co E. weather [illegible] warm. wrote letter to E. S. Peck. G. N. Evans & Ranson went to the planters house & he gave them some cherries H F S benton officer of the guard Saturday 18 Stood picket from 12 o clock till 2 A.M. weather quitt warm. Some cows got in cotton near our post. I found my canteen filled with new milk we were relieved at ten and reported to Camp at 11 1/2 o clock. A.M I lost my knife & gold pen. found I think by Ranson Sunday 19 Called in line at 3 o clock AM General inspection took place at 9 o clock AM. By Co. Commanders. 5 mess was detailed from each co. to report at Depot well armed and with 1 days rations. wrote letters C. R. Harmon. on Picket
Civil War Diaries and Letters