Eliphalet W. Ensign diary, January 1864-August 1865
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Saturday, July 23, 1864 Lagrange detailed on Guard as was Wm [Faslow?]. my post at Stables where our regiments team was with those of Co. A's men [illegible] Regt. took train for Memphis another of Co [illegible] sentenced for stealing Sunday 24 relieved from guard at six am. Charlie Harmon sick. Capt. [illeiglbe] officer of the day He searched all of Co. E.s. things to find [$30.00?] and 1 set of silver spoons. articles not present. washed shirt our Co. ordered to fix for marching at 9 1/2 oclock to morrow Monday 25 44th Regt. preparing to march with 2 days rations and 100 rounds of cartridges to each man our Regt. formed in line at 10 A.M. and stacked our arms [illegible] layed around all day took [illegible]
Saturday, July 23, 1864 Lagrange detailed on Guard as was Wm [Faslow?]. my post at Stables where our regiments team was with those of Co. A's men [illegible] Regt. took train for Memphis another of Co [illegible] sentenced for stealing Sunday 24 relieved from guard at six am. Charlie Harmon sick. Capt. [illeiglbe] officer of the day He searched all of Co. E.s. things to find [$30.00?] and 1 set of silver spoons. articles not present. washed shirt our Co. ordered to fix for marching at 9 1/2 oclock to morrow Monday 25 44th Regt. preparing to march with 2 days rations and 100 rounds of cartridges to each man our Regt. formed in line at 10 A.M. and stacked our arms [illegible] layed around all day took [illegible]
Civil War Diaries and Letters