Joseph McDill letters, 1848-1852
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Their is some that is ofton wished for but seldum seen oh do do I pray the do come again ask me not the My Dear sir I gladly now resume to do [illegilbe] reason why what I have so long neglected to do but I hope that you will forgive me as my reasoning is good I am in tolerable good health in boddy but not in mind I hope that you are in abeter State of mind than you appeared to be in when you wrote last dont get discouraged never give it up hold out faith ful to the end I believe that you wanted to know whether your girl was married or whither She was a going to be sure or not.. well sir them is a hard questions for me or that is the-a going to be is [illegible] it ma be that their is some that cold desolve it easer than I cold.. but my canded openion is that it is at a distant yet except it is closed by you and that cold be easly dun by you and by you only only can it be accomplished now you may think that I am a joking but I am not my reasoning is from a true source butt, I wold that you wold not ask from whense they came well I expect that you wold like to have the subject changed, the original enterprise is [not?] [in?] to [acoct?] [that?] that we are [amul?] [hact?] out and concluded that it wont take us longe to stay a year here altho [vice?] [illegible] very both to do it but for my part I have not given it up yet but itt is out of the question to go this Spring for their is thousands going to [die?] and the road
Their is some that is ofton wished for but seldum seen oh do do I pray the do come again ask me not the My Dear sir I gladly now resume to do [illegilbe] reason why what I have so long neglected to do but I hope that you will forgive me as my reasoning is good I am in tolerable good health in boddy but not in mind I hope that you are in abeter State of mind than you appeared to be in when you wrote last dont get discouraged never give it up hold out faith ful to the end I believe that you wanted to know whether your girl was married or whither She was a going to be sure or not.. well sir them is a hard questions for me or that is the-a going to be is [illegible] it ma be that their is some that cold desolve it easer than I cold.. but my canded openion is that it is at a distant yet except it is closed by you and that cold be easly dun by you and by you only only can it be accomplished now you may think that I am a joking but I am not my reasoning is from a true source butt, I wold that you wold not ask from whense they came well I expect that you wold like to have the subject changed, the original enterprise is [not?] [in?] to [acoct?] [that?] that we are [amul?] [hact?] out and concluded that it wont take us longe to stay a year here altho [vice?] [illegible] very both to do it but for my part I have not given it up yet but itt is out of the question to go this Spring for their is thousands going to [die?] and the road
Pioneer Lives