Joseph McDill letters, 1848-1852
1848-04-01 Page 1
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Aprile the 1 1848 Mrs Joseph MacDille I take the privilege orighting you a few lines as a friend of yores to let you now how things are going on here James received your letter which gave us information of yore getting home Safe and of yore Brothers Death and vares other things times are getting better here as respects the sale of prduce wheate is worth seventy centes a firste rate quality inferior from fifty to sixty the sheate here is considerable frozen onto get there is a prospecte of as goode a crope there was laste season in yore letter you stated that you wanted now what was to come to pass as to that I am now prophete nor prophett some yet I can guess pretty well aboute future things you stated that the firles were all entered into matrimony since you lefte that place and yore girls among the reste had fleu the tracke now that is a harde case if there were no more of the female sex lefte yet there is hope concerning this thing the world is large ande you may have some chance yet Gibson rote a letter stating the same (?)
Aprile the 1 1848 Mrs Joseph MacDille I take the privilege orighting you a few lines as a friend of yores to let you now how things are going on here James received your letter which gave us information of yore getting home Safe and of yore Brothers Death and vares other things times are getting better here as respects the sale of prduce wheate is worth seventy centes a firste rate quality inferior from fifty to sixty the sheate here is considerable frozen onto get there is a prospecte of as goode a crope there was laste season in yore letter you stated that you wanted now what was to come to pass as to that I am now prophete nor prophett some yet I can guess pretty well aboute future things you stated that the firles were all entered into matrimony since you lefte that place and yore girls among the reste had fleu the tracke now that is a harde case if there were no more of the female sex lefte yet there is hope concerning this thing the world is large ande you may have some chance yet Gibson rote a letter stating the same (?)
Pioneer Lives