Joseph McDill letters, 1848-1852
1848-05-20 Page 4
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May the 20th 1848 Mr. McDill I take my pen in hand to inform you of maters and things. all the pepol are well in this neighborhood at persant: I hant got much to tell you but it will do you good what it I wonder that you have not pin up before now I should like to see you. I have a yarn to tell you as long as my arm but I can't tell you all in this letter and will give you a shar Histery We have had lates of talk in this neighborhood and it all. (this is a repeat of previous page)
May the 20th 1848 Mr. McDill I take my pen in hand to inform you of maters and things. all the pepol are well in this neighborhood at persant: I hant got much to tell you but it will do you good what it I wonder that you have not pin up before now I should like to see you. I have a yarn to tell you as long as my arm but I can't tell you all in this letter and will give you a shar Histery We have had lates of talk in this neighborhood and it all. (this is a repeat of previous page)
Pioneer Lives