George C. Burmeister diary, 1861
1861-09-06 -- 1861-09-11
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Frid. 6 The death of Jeff. Davis is reported in the Evening News. No great fight is stated except a naval engagement at Cape Hatteras where our troops gained two forts and made the rebels accept an unconditional surrender, this was done under Com. Butler. Sat. 7. Had rather a holiday did nothing that is beneficial to any one, but spent money. Sun. 8. Hermann his wife and I took a walk to Mr. [Gutgesell’s?] place, about five miles from here, where Charley stays; we arrived there about 9 o’clock, A.M. and spent a very happy day, rode home contented. Mon. 9. A report says that a heavy battle is being fought near Washington. I hope and pray that the rebels will be routed. Took a fine bath at [Calmorgan’s?]. Tues. 10 It was extremely warm, and rained in the evening. [Did?] not make as rapid improvement in the commercial system as I desire. Wed. 11 News of a cheering character is reaching us from all parts of the union announcing the success of our arms. Kentucky is invaded by the confederates, who were requested to evacuate the state, by the legislature, but the governor vetoed it, then the legislature passed it over his veto.
Frid. 6 The death of Jeff. Davis is reported in the Evening News. No great fight is stated except a naval engagement at Cape Hatteras where our troops gained two forts and made the rebels accept an unconditional surrender, this was done under Com. Butler. Sat. 7. Had rather a holiday did nothing that is beneficial to any one, but spent money. Sun. 8. Hermann his wife and I took a walk to Mr. [Gutgesell’s?] place, about five miles from here, where Charley stays; we arrived there about 9 o’clock, A.M. and spent a very happy day, rode home contented. Mon. 9. A report says that a heavy battle is being fought near Washington. I hope and pray that the rebels will be routed. Took a fine bath at [Calmorgan’s?]. Tues. 10 It was extremely warm, and rained in the evening. [Did?] not make as rapid improvement in the commercial system as I desire. Wed. 11 News of a cheering character is reaching us from all parts of the union announcing the success of our arms. Kentucky is invaded by the confederates, who were requested to evacuate the state, by the legislature, but the governor vetoed it, then the legislature passed it over his veto.
Civil War Diaries and Letters