Letters to Bess Peebles Fox concerning Walter H. Fox, 1920-1934
1920-03-09 Page 1
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Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota March 9, 1920 Dear Ms. Fox- I received your letter to-day, and shall be glad to do anything I can for you. I imagine I can identify a good many of the pictures, and shall be mighty glad to do so if you have the films. I may want to have prints made of some of them, if you do not mind. At Rome Dr. Fox took some mighty fine pictures. I have never found out if Dr. Fox's body was sent back to this Country. We were told it was to be sent home. In regard to the rile, that is probably one that was picked up on the Chemin de Dames near Chateau Thierry and Soissons one day when we were gathering souvenirs on the battle-field. This was in Dec. 1918. The rifle had a shell jammed in it, and had been thrown away by the Germans. The shell was probably also picked up at the same place for we carried home a lot of "junk" that day. The other things I do not remember about. I received my decoration about 6 weeks ago. It is very pretty. Also received a citation but unfortunately do not read Serbian, so do not know whats what. The decoration is evidentially one from King Peter I - From the Royal Government of Yugo-Slavia. I have no idea what Dr. Davis' address is but think you might be able to find out by writing to Dr. Blakely, New Orleans, LA. Do not know his address, but that should find him. He was in the same unit. Do not hesitate to ask me about anything I may be able to do for you. Sincerely, Herman W. Hundling
Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota March 9, 1920 Dear Ms. Fox- I received your letter to-day, and shall be glad to do anything I can for you. I imagine I can identify a good many of the pictures, and shall be mighty glad to do so if you have the films. I may want to have prints made of some of them, if you do not mind. At Rome Dr. Fox took some mighty fine pictures. I have never found out if Dr. Fox's body was sent back to this Country. We were told it was to be sent home. In regard to the rile, that is probably one that was picked up on the Chemin de Dames near Chateau Thierry and Soissons one day when we were gathering souvenirs on the battle-field. This was in Dec. 1918. The rifle had a shell jammed in it, and had been thrown away by the Germans. The shell was probably also picked up at the same place for we carried home a lot of "junk" that day. The other things I do not remember about. I received my decoration about 6 weeks ago. It is very pretty. Also received a citation but unfortunately do not read Serbian, so do not know whats what. The decoration is evidentially one from King Peter I - From the Royal Government of Yugo-Slavia. I have no idea what Dr. Davis' address is but think you might be able to find out by writing to Dr. Blakely, New Orleans, LA. Do not know his address, but that should find him. He was in the same unit. Do not hesitate to ask me about anything I may be able to do for you. Sincerely, Herman W. Hundling
World War I Diaries and Letters