Francis McDermott correspondence, July-December 1917
1917-07-13 Page 4
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going to make me a new waist to So you dont need to think you are so grand When you kid's get any thing new Jay wonts me to go down a by some thing So say you have something every once in awhile Some class to me. I went to the show last night it was dandy but every think is war until it makes me sick We get a lot more then you do because we are so near N. Y. Well think I had better go out to breakfast I am not dressed yet so will close for this time. Be sure and sent the next letter out to 1720 South 54 St. Will lots of love and kisses Mig.
going to make me a new waist to So you dont need to think you are so grand When you kid's get any thing new Jay wonts me to go down a by some thing So say you have something every once in awhile Some class to me. I went to the show last night it was dandy but every think is war until it makes me sick We get a lot more then you do because we are so near N. Y. Well think I had better go out to breakfast I am not dressed yet so will close for this time. Be sure and sent the next letter out to 1720 South 54 St. Will lots of love and kisses Mig.
World War I Diaries and Letters