Francis McDermott correspondence, July-December 1917
1917-07-19 Page 2
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tired. I am going down town to the Y.M.C.A. and take a good bath, we got towels and soap for a nickle, Icant wash them that cheap. The band played. The Land of the free and the home of the brave, we all stood at present arms. And some fellow who was watchen us, stood with his hat on, the poleace man came along and took his hat and threw it on the ground and made him show his registration card. Im getting fatter every day my pants are so tight I can hardly get them around me. And I feel fine better than I have for a long time. When I wake up in the morning I feel like some body I havent got that tired feeling. And I havent been in
tired. I am going down town to the Y.M.C.A. and take a good bath, we got towels and soap for a nickle, Icant wash them that cheap. The band played. The Land of the free and the home of the brave, we all stood at present arms. And some fellow who was watchen us, stood with his hat on, the poleace man came along and took his hat and threw it on the ground and made him show his registration card. Im getting fatter every day my pants are so tight I can hardly get them around me. And I feel fine better than I have for a long time. When I wake up in the morning I feel like some body I havent got that tired feeling. And I havent been in
World War I Diaries and Letters