Francis McDermott correspondence, July-December 1917
1917-12-29 Page 7
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with me much as he would be at work + if I was home I could have you folk with me all the time Jay said he would come in a month after the baby come's + spend a month + then we can come back. But if that darn old war is over "[illegible]" back East for me. I am over being sick I guess because the last time I was sick was Xmas eve. Gee I hope
with me much as he would be at work + if I was home I could have you folk with me all the time Jay said he would come in a month after the baby come's + spend a month + then we can come back. But if that darn old war is over "[illegible]" back East for me. I am over being sick I guess because the last time I was sick was Xmas eve. Gee I hope
World War I Diaries and Letters