Marks family letters, 1862-1864
1862-11-20 Page 2
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Well it is getting late and I will close for to night and write more tomorrow so good night dad This is the first day of Dec and it is very cold it rained very hard last night and our tent leaked and we got moistened a little not any to hurt Frank Sherwood and I got a letter from the 33 this morning they are at Schofield Barrack St louis and it stated that Bill Robuck had just got back from dixie We are looking for our Regt down here pretty soon, or us to go up there to recruit from what gen Dodge said I think he will do something for us The weather here is not so cold but what we can go around with our blouses on and they are thin I have not had a shirt for a month the dam body lice got on my shirt and one night while I was on picket I pulled it off and threw it in the fire and oh such a gnashing of teeth and heart rending cries came off of my shirt it was enough to bring tears from a crocodile did they bring any from me i may verily a suction pump would not have drew one tear from me then We are on picket every third day I will tell you how we stand picket if you never stood any We have 18 posts to stand 3 men on a post and have a Reserve about the center of the 18 posts of 10 men two officers
Well it is getting late and I will close for to night and write more tomorrow so good night dad This is the first day of Dec and it is very cold it rained very hard last night and our tent leaked and we got moistened a little not any to hurt Frank Sherwood and I got a letter from the 33 this morning they are at Schofield Barrack St louis and it stated that Bill Robuck had just got back from dixie We are looking for our Regt down here pretty soon, or us to go up there to recruit from what gen Dodge said I think he will do something for us The weather here is not so cold but what we can go around with our blouses on and they are thin I have not had a shirt for a month the dam body lice got on my shirt and one night while I was on picket I pulled it off and threw it in the fire and oh such a gnashing of teeth and heart rending cries came off of my shirt it was enough to bring tears from a crocodile did they bring any from me i may verily a suction pump would not have drew one tear from me then We are on picket every third day I will tell you how we stand picket if you never stood any We have 18 posts to stand 3 men on a post and have a Reserve about the center of the 18 posts of 10 men two officers
Civil War Diaries and Letters