John and Henry Locke cookery archive, item 1, 1852
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Cotellettes de veau en Papilotes. cut these thin, egg them &c, the same as Maintenons. wrap them in writing paper, either broil or fry them in butter. Serve them in the papers. _____ Veal Olives. Cut some square pieces off a fillet of veal, (6 inches square.) flatten them with a chopper. spread forcemeat very thin over them roll them tightly up in sheets of fat bacon the size of the veal, and tie them with tape bake them in a oven. when done, take off the bacon, put a rich brown gravy in the dish, and serve with forcemeat balls, and button mushrooms if you have any.
Cotellettes de veau en Papilotes. cut these thin, egg them &c, the same as Maintenons. wrap them in writing paper, either broil or fry them in butter. Serve them in the papers. _____ Veal Olives. Cut some square pieces off a fillet of veal, (6 inches square.) flatten them with a chopper. spread forcemeat very thin over them roll them tightly up in sheets of fat bacon the size of the veal, and tie them with tape bake them in a oven. when done, take off the bacon, put a rich brown gravy in the dish, and serve with forcemeat balls, and button mushrooms if you have any.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks