John and Henry Locke cookery archive, item 1, 1852
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Scotch Collops. cut the collops off the thick part of the leg of a leg of veal, the size and thickness of a crown piece. fry them in butter of a light brown. put them on a seive to drain. make a rich cullis, (brown) put in the collops, add a shalot chopt and boiled in a spoonful of sherry. strian it in your cullis. dish up with small rolls of ham and forcemeat balls. Rissoles of veal & ham Take equal parts of cold veal & ham chop it fine. put it in a stewpan add 3 or 4 spoonfulls of cream, a bit of fresh butter 4 yolks of eggs, a handfull of bread crumbs, mace salt & pepper, chopt parsley & basil stir it on the stove until hot and stiff. when cold, make them up in
Scotch Collops. cut the collops off the thick part of the leg of a leg of veal, the size and thickness of a crown piece. fry them in butter of a light brown. put them on a seive to drain. make a rich cullis, (brown) put in the collops, add a shalot chopt and boiled in a spoonful of sherry. strian it in your cullis. dish up with small rolls of ham and forcemeat balls. Rissoles of veal & ham Take equal parts of cold veal & ham chop it fine. put it in a stewpan add 3 or 4 spoonfulls of cream, a bit of fresh butter 4 yolks of eggs, a handfull of bread crumbs, mace salt & pepper, chopt parsley & basil stir it on the stove until hot and stiff. when cold, make them up in
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks