John and Henry Locke cookery archive, item 3, 1870s?
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a Small handfull of flour with a pinch or to of sugar mix this well up and [feel?] it smooth like thick cream - let this stand by the fire side - not hot - but just warm. Let this rise to the top of the Basin - when risen up put it in the [Dam?] - and mix it up well with your hands till all the butter is in Smooth, when this is done dust it with flour and [fit?] it into a dough - put it in a larger vessel to rise a little When you perceive it risen up - [mark?] it together not too much and put it in your tins or moulds wich must be well buttered let it stand in them till full in a warm place & when up - Carefully
a Small handfull of flour with a pinch or to of sugar mix this well up and [feel?] it smooth like thick cream - let this stand by the fire side - not hot - but just warm. Let this rise to the top of the Basin - when risen up put it in the [Dam?] - and mix it up well with your hands till all the butter is in Smooth, when this is done dust it with flour and [fit?] it into a dough - put it in a larger vessel to rise a little When you perceive it risen up - [mark?] it together not too much and put it in your tins or moulds wich must be well buttered let it stand in them till full in a warm place & when up - Carefully
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks