Francis McDermott correspondence, 1919-1923
1919-03-27 Page 6
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said mother is looking for you and has the grocery stores getting a new supply, and the table wont hold it all, we are all getting the goute, he cant big talk us that way, just have any thing but rice and corn willie, and if that's all you have its good enough for me. Well Mother Dear this is the last letter from this side. With Love to all Your Son Francis. F.W. McDermott. Co. E. 13" Engrs. American E.F.
said mother is looking for you and has the grocery stores getting a new supply, and the table wont hold it all, we are all getting the goute, he cant big talk us that way, just have any thing but rice and corn willie, and if that's all you have its good enough for me. Well Mother Dear this is the last letter from this side. With Love to all Your Son Francis. F.W. McDermott. Co. E. 13" Engrs. American E.F.
World War I Diaries and Letters