Marks Family letters, 1861-1865
1861-11-20 Page 4
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we live very now we have beef crackers coffee sugar rice and pork We get chicken cabbage fresh pork honey potatoes and turnips when we get out to steal them but we are watched so close we hardly ever get out but when we do we bring in enough to do a while let me know how much the house costs and how it is put up so i will know where to stop if i come home i dont expect i would know where to stop if I come i cannot answer Mira letter before Sunday i will not have time then i will answer hers and Margs and all i get if i had stamps i would write more but i dont want you to pay for them i am almost ashamed to send a letter back there without paying the postage on it i will close and write soon again yours with respect P H Mark to M M Mark & Z Mark and the rest of the family
we live very now we have beef crackers coffee sugar rice and pork We get chicken cabbage fresh pork honey potatoes and turnips when we get out to steal them but we are watched so close we hardly ever get out but when we do we bring in enough to do a while let me know how much the house costs and how it is put up so i will know where to stop if i come home i dont expect i would know where to stop if I come i cannot answer Mira letter before Sunday i will not have time then i will answer hers and Margs and all i get if i had stamps i would write more but i dont want you to pay for them i am almost ashamed to send a letter back there without paying the postage on it i will close and write soon again yours with respect P H Mark to M M Mark & Z Mark and the rest of the family
Civil War Diaries and Letters