Marks Family letters, 1861-1865
1864-06-23 Page 3
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go with one. oneday and another day take another girl that is a mean trick and is likely to cause hard feelings between the two parties One person cant serve two masters remember that Always respect the women never quarrel with them let them have their own way rather than quarrel with them I consider it very unbecoming a man to quarrel with a woman Especially a young man and lady it is better to leave them and never speak to them again than to quarrel with them I am not experienced very well as you know I never went with a girl in my life only when I considered it my duty and that was but very few time The less you go with
go with one. oneday and another day take another girl that is a mean trick and is likely to cause hard feelings between the two parties One person cant serve two masters remember that Always respect the women never quarrel with them let them have their own way rather than quarrel with them I consider it very unbecoming a man to quarrel with a woman Especially a young man and lady it is better to leave them and never speak to them again than to quarrel with them I am not experienced very well as you know I never went with a girl in my life only when I considered it my duty and that was but very few time The less you go with
Civil War Diaries and Letters