Marks Family letters, 1861-1865
1865-01-25 Page 2
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dried apples and peaches these we took from the Secesh and nearly all we eat we take from them that is how we live so fine. We have very nice weather here now but i can't see any difference between here and there i don't think there is any at all if there is it is only about the 60 part of a degree This town is nearly all [Secesh we made them cow down where we first came so they don't say anything We have guards all through town. We have all the teams in the livery stables and have plenty to eat and a nice place for them. I have heard nothing from our Reg yet nor from harmon you have a better chance than i have. We keep moving about so after that the letters never reach us i think we will stay here 3 or 4 weeks yet and probably longer i don't know where we will go after leaving here i will close for this time i am on guard to day i have wrote about a dozen letters since i came here and have got none. direct your letters here to Independence in casree of capt McCormack co E 8th Iowa i give my respects to all of the friends in general both far and near Yours truly P H Mark to M M Mark & T Mark PS Before long you will hear of a glorious victory in Mo the rebels will fly like fire before the wind the Union will be preserved and we will be on our road home. So i prophesy P. H. Mark Esq
dried apples and peaches these we took from the Secesh and nearly all we eat we take from them that is how we live so fine. We have very nice weather here now but i can't see any difference between here and there i don't think there is any at all if there is it is only about the 60 part of a degree This town is nearly all [Secesh we made them cow down where we first came so they don't say anything We have guards all through town. We have all the teams in the livery stables and have plenty to eat and a nice place for them. I have heard nothing from our Reg yet nor from harmon you have a better chance than i have. We keep moving about so after that the letters never reach us i think we will stay here 3 or 4 weeks yet and probably longer i don't know where we will go after leaving here i will close for this time i am on guard to day i have wrote about a dozen letters since i came here and have got none. direct your letters here to Independence in casree of capt McCormack co E 8th Iowa i give my respects to all of the friends in general both far and near Yours truly P H Mark to M M Mark & T Mark PS Before long you will hear of a glorious victory in Mo the rebels will fly like fire before the wind the Union will be preserved and we will be on our road home. So i prophesy P. H. Mark Esq
Civil War Diaries and Letters