David R. Elder correspondence, December 1944-January 1945
1945-01-17 Raymond Haifly to Dave Elder
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Jan 17, 1945 France Dear Dave I just finished reading the twenty-sixth drip and decided I should drop you a few lines. My A.P.O. Number has been changed to 141. There isn't much of interest to write about. I am feeling fine after a few hours of sick quarters. I had cramps in my stomach. Some of the drips were late in getting here but I think I have received most of them now. I sure enjoy reading them. [Pfc] Raymond Haifley
Jan 17, 1945 France Dear Dave I just finished reading the twenty-sixth drip and decided I should drop you a few lines. My A.P.O. Number has been changed to 141. There isn't much of interest to write about. I am feeling fine after a few hours of sick quarters. I had cramps in my stomach. Some of the drips were late in getting here but I think I have received most of them now. I sure enjoy reading them. [Pfc] Raymond Haifley
World War II Diaries and Letters