Harvey W. Wertz letters, 1917
1917-09-21 Harvey Wertz to Mr. L.A. Wertz Page 1
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Friday 21 Sept. 1917 Dear Dad Just received your letter of the eighteenth and will write and tell you about my trip. Well we loaded the most of our stuff except our packs and stoves and blankets and cots on Saturday the 8 day of September. Sunday we got up at 4:30 and had breakfast and broke up our cook shack and moved it down to the car and fixed up a fine cook car while this was going on at the cars which were at the Fair Grounds station on the Rock Island the rest of the Co. was loading cots and blankets and about 11 o'clock sunday morn. the whistle blew and all the tents fell at once. We then rolled them up and the trucks carried them to the cars and we rolled our packs and put on
Friday 21 Sept. 1917 Dear Dad Just received your letter of the eighteenth and will write and tell you about my trip. Well we loaded the most of our stuff except our packs and stoves and blankets and cots on Saturday the 8 day of September. Sunday we got up at 4:30 and had breakfast and broke up our cook shack and moved it down to the car and fixed up a fine cook car while this was going on at the cars which were at the Fair Grounds station on the Rock Island the rest of the Co. was loading cots and blankets and about 11 o'clock sunday morn. the whistle blew and all the tents fell at once. We then rolled them up and the trucks carried them to the cars and we rolled our packs and put on
World War I Diaries and Letters