Harvey W. Wertz letters, 1917
1917-10-08 Harvey Wertz to Mr. L.A. Wertz Page 2
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ready to move and we expect to move very soon. How soon it is I am forbidden to tell. I would telegraph to you only it is against army regulations and I know you would rather have me a [?] the racks than to telegraph and get court martialed I got your fine letter and picture tonight and was glad to hear from you altho I am sorry you have been sick and are not able to get a man to help you. I think it was a damn mean trick of [?] to do as he did but I guess there is no help for it. You are the real patriot rather than [?] Well I dont last long anyhow. [?] Marquist says 2 years at the most and many
ready to move and we expect to move very soon. How soon it is I am forbidden to tell. I would telegraph to you only it is against army regulations and I know you would rather have me a [?] the racks than to telegraph and get court martialed I got your fine letter and picture tonight and was glad to hear from you altho I am sorry you have been sick and are not able to get a man to help you. I think it was a damn mean trick of [?] to do as he did but I guess there is no help for it. You are the real patriot rather than [?] Well I dont last long anyhow. [?] Marquist says 2 years at the most and many
World War I Diaries and Letters