Harvey W. Wertz letters, 1917
1917-10-11 Harvey Wertz to Miss Dorothy Wertz Page 1
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Thursday Night 1917 Dear Dot, Rec'd your letter this A.M. did you get the shirts yet. I had a chance to by them for 1.50 apiece and I thought they would be worth that to dad. I have a pair of 81/2 EE shoes he can have for the asking if that is his size. Be sure and tell me if he could wear them as they are doing me no good and I think I will have to ditch them before long. They have only been worn 2 or 3 days. We haven't gone yet but will go soon. The gov't has made arraingements to let me have insurance at 8.00 per 1000. and tell Papa I am going to take 10,000, as it will be 20 pay [presumably per] life and 10,000 will come in handy
Thursday Night 1917 Dear Dot, Rec'd your letter this A.M. did you get the shirts yet. I had a chance to by them for 1.50 apiece and I thought they would be worth that to dad. I have a pair of 81/2 EE shoes he can have for the asking if that is his size. Be sure and tell me if he could wear them as they are doing me no good and I think I will have to ditch them before long. They have only been worn 2 or 3 days. We haven't gone yet but will go soon. The gov't has made arraingements to let me have insurance at 8.00 per 1000. and tell Papa I am going to take 10,000, as it will be 20 pay [presumably per] life and 10,000 will come in handy
World War I Diaries and Letters