Harvey W. Wertz letters, 1917
1917-10-13 Harvey Wertz to Mrs. L.A. Wertz Page 2
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get oatmeal (underlined) too often we have meat once per day and so while our food isn't very appetizing it is nourishing and designed to make real men out of us. I was going to [?] tonight but a bit of our bunch got drunk [?] day night and so the (underlined) whole company is confined to quarters. My toe had never bothered me a bit since I had the nail removed only I got my feet wet last night and I didnt get my feet warm until about noon today It was a very (underlined) cold rainy and windy night and our long overcoats have been taken away from us as we are to get short coats and lovely red rubber boots we almost froze to death with out our heavy overcoats over us at night. Our preacher
get oatmeal (underlined) too often we have meat once per day and so while our food isn't very appetizing it is nourishing and designed to make real men out of us. I was going to [?] tonight but a bit of our bunch got drunk [?] day night and so the (underlined) whole company is confined to quarters. My toe had never bothered me a bit since I had the nail removed only I got my feet wet last night and I didnt get my feet warm until about noon today It was a very (underlined) cold rainy and windy night and our long overcoats have been taken away from us as we are to get short coats and lovely red rubber boots we almost froze to death with out our heavy overcoats over us at night. Our preacher
World War I Diaries and Letters