Harvey W. Wertz letters, 1917
1917-10-18 Harvey Wertz to Mr. L.A. Wertz Page 3
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2 and some of the fellows have a devil of a time getting enough to eat but I have been getting plenty to eat as I go thru the mess line twice pretty near every day. The second day out I fed the fish just once and have felt fine every since The second day all we got some mail that had been brough from Camp Mills and I got a letter from you and one from Dot. I was sure glad to get them. I got a little sick the second day and fed the fish once but outside of that I felt fine and enjoyed the trip a whole lot. Monday night four days out we turned
2 and some of the fellows have a devil of a time getting enough to eat but I have been getting plenty to eat as I go thru the mess line twice pretty near every day. The second day out I fed the fish just once and have felt fine every since The second day all we got some mail that had been brough from Camp Mills and I got a letter from you and one from Dot. I was sure glad to get them. I got a little sick the second day and fed the fish once but outside of that I felt fine and enjoyed the trip a whole lot. Monday night four days out we turned
World War I Diaries and Letters