Harvey W. Wertz letters, 1917
1917-10-18 Harvey Wertz to Mr. L.A. Wertz Page 5
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fish, sea gulls, mother coreys chickens and nearly everything else. The trip was wonderful altho it was full of hardship too. As nearly everyone was sick and heaving into the sea. Well I must close will send you a telegram as soon as I land I wish you would buy me a good knife with a good big blade and can opener and servi? and a (upside down U drawn) on one end to put a chain thru I want a good one no matter if it costs 2,00 draw the money from the back I gotta go Privt. H. W. Wertz M. G. Co 168 Inf. A. E. F. via N.Y.
fish, sea gulls, mother coreys chickens and nearly everything else. The trip was wonderful altho it was full of hardship too. As nearly everyone was sick and heaving into the sea. Well I must close will send you a telegram as soon as I land I wish you would buy me a good knife with a good big blade and can opener and servi? and a (upside down U drawn) on one end to put a chain thru I want a good one no matter if it costs 2,00 draw the money from the back I gotta go Privt. H. W. Wertz M. G. Co 168 Inf. A. E. F. via N.Y.
World War I Diaries and Letters