Harvey W. Wertz letters, 1917
1917-12-27 Harvey Wertz to Mrs. L.A. Wertz Page 1
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Dec 27 Dear Mother Have just received Dads letter of the twenty fifth of Now. and was very sorry to hear of Mary Baileys death. I have not received the fried chicken yet but I think I will soon but I am afraid it will be a trifle old. It has been snowing here for the last two or three days snow like a regular blizzard for an hour and then quit for an hour it is cold too and we go to the woods almost every day for firewood it takes lots of wood as we have a fine big fireplace and we keep it warm in our room. We had a big celebration Christmas Eve, a Christmas tree and candles in a barn and the officers all talked to us for a few minutes and then the sergeants and a few of the corporals. Then they gave us apples and nuts and we had a big cask of red wine. Then Christmas day we were
Dec 27 Dear Mother Have just received Dads letter of the twenty fifth of Now. and was very sorry to hear of Mary Baileys death. I have not received the fried chicken yet but I think I will soon but I am afraid it will be a trifle old. It has been snowing here for the last two or three days snow like a regular blizzard for an hour and then quit for an hour it is cold too and we go to the woods almost every day for firewood it takes lots of wood as we have a fine big fireplace and we keep it warm in our room. We had a big celebration Christmas Eve, a Christmas tree and candles in a barn and the officers all talked to us for a few minutes and then the sergeants and a few of the corporals. Then they gave us apples and nuts and we had a big cask of red wine. Then Christmas day we were
World War I Diaries and Letters