Jolley Family correspondence, 1887-1919
1918-03-26 Letter from Mrs. L.J. Baker Page 2
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cleaned it out, and scraped the bone, and took out some diseased bone and he said my tonsils were also infected and ought to be taken out so ten day later after I had recovered sufficiently he woh them out. I was in the hospital almmil three weeks. Jon stayed with me most of the time. Then we went down home and I thought I was getting along fine when erysipelas set in in my face. It swelled up so you would never have known me. When the doctor (Rinker) told one it was erysipelas I though to myself, well if I have got to go through that too after what I had gone through it would surely be teh last for I did not think I could live through it but I did and when I got over that felt just fine, not an ache or a pain and had such an appetite, but of course rather weak. Well as soon as the Dr. thought I was fit to go we started for Arizona for that was Jon's intention to take me back with him if I was fit to go, and I did not dare to spend another winter in Iowa it was so fearful cold, so we started the 6th of Dec. and got here the 8th still feeling fame but soon forward I could not stand the work
cleaned it out, and scraped the bone, and took out some diseased bone and he said my tonsils were also infected and ought to be taken out so ten day later after I had recovered sufficiently he woh them out. I was in the hospital almmil three weeks. Jon stayed with me most of the time. Then we went down home and I thought I was getting along fine when erysipelas set in in my face. It swelled up so you would never have known me. When the doctor (Rinker) told one it was erysipelas I though to myself, well if I have got to go through that too after what I had gone through it would surely be teh last for I did not think I could live through it but I did and when I got over that felt just fine, not an ache or a pain and had such an appetite, but of course rather weak. Well as soon as the Dr. thought I was fit to go we started for Arizona for that was Jon's intention to take me back with him if I was fit to go, and I did not dare to spend another winter in Iowa it was so fearful cold, so we started the 6th of Dec. and got here the 8th still feeling fame but soon forward I could not stand the work
World War I Diaries and Letters