Jolley Family correspondence, 1887-1919
1897-10-18 Letter from Millie Huff Page 6
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new dress tell Wright to to watch the Post Office something might come for him when I get to town we heard to day Christ Eckert was loosing has last five hogs. Budd Ripple is husking for him Christ & [Manda?] took in the carnaval a couple of days old Mr & Mrs E kept house for them while they were gone Loo has concluded he will pay cash sent he raised potatoes enough to pay half of his rent this year. Netts baby is awful pretty he is so fat & white. They call him Willie. Will Wood & Chantry have disolved in the mill
new dress tell Wright to to watch the Post Office something might come for him when I get to town we heard to day Christ Eckert was loosing has last five hogs. Budd Ripple is husking for him Christ & [Manda?] took in the carnaval a couple of days old Mr & Mrs E kept house for them while they were gone Loo has concluded he will pay cash sent he raised potatoes enough to pay half of his rent this year. Netts baby is awful pretty he is so fat & white. They call him Willie. Will Wood & Chantry have disolved in the mill
World War I Diaries and Letters