Account of the Battle of Bull Run, 1861
1861-Battle of Bull Run-Page 35.
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xyz/3. 2 & 3 Mich Bln. Ford - under cover, of their works. - the Second and Third Michigan fighting like Veterans, though this was their first engagement. Col. Richardson requested and urged that he be allowed to charge with the Michigan Boys, and preparations were made the boys packing their Knapsacks and blankets [on the edge of the line?] and they threw their Knapsacks, - blankets along the line, prepared for the charge - but Gen. Tyler would not give his consent, as his instructions were, that it was not desired to bring on a general engagement at this time .o but this move was to ascertain the strength and position of the Rebel forces. So the Union forces having accomplished all that was intended, were withdraw toward Centreville after an hour's Artillery duel with the Washington Battery (Confederate). (Note - in this engagement the loss of the Union Army was nineteen killed, thirty-eight wounded and twenty-six missing, total Eighty-three. Of the Rebel Army fifteen were killed, fifty-three wounded (Report states "several since died.). total Sixty-eight.) It appeared to the Confederates when the attack was made, that it was to force a passage across both Mitchell's and Blackburn's Fords, and Gen. Beauregard awaited an advance, upon his Right flank. What was intended as a reconnaissance turned out to be an engagement, The purposes for which it was made were fully accomplished, that is, the position and strength of the enemy, on their Right, was known, The Confederates looked upon it as a battle and so their account called it the "Battle of Bull Run", and the engagement on the 21st of July three days later, the "Battle of Manassas", and when the Union forces retired (Note at upper left:-) [Comrade?] ["Fairbanks'?] was there & [give?] me his account [with?] more than stated here NPW (Note at lower left:-) Dont copy this (Note at upper right:-) which, by the way [illegible]
xyz/3. 2 & 3 Mich Bln. Ford - under cover, of their works. - the Second and Third Michigan fighting like Veterans, though this was their first engagement. Col. Richardson requested and urged that he be allowed to charge with the Michigan Boys, and preparations were made the boys packing their Knapsacks and blankets [on the edge of the line?] and they threw their Knapsacks, - blankets along the line, prepared for the charge - but Gen. Tyler would not give his consent, as his instructions were, that it was not desired to bring on a general engagement at this time .o but this move was to ascertain the strength and position of the Rebel forces. So the Union forces having accomplished all that was intended, were withdraw toward Centreville after an hour's Artillery duel with the Washington Battery (Confederate). (Note - in this engagement the loss of the Union Army was nineteen killed, thirty-eight wounded and twenty-six missing, total Eighty-three. Of the Rebel Army fifteen were killed, fifty-three wounded (Report states "several since died.). total Sixty-eight.) It appeared to the Confederates when the attack was made, that it was to force a passage across both Mitchell's and Blackburn's Fords, and Gen. Beauregard awaited an advance, upon his Right flank. What was intended as a reconnaissance turned out to be an engagement, The purposes for which it was made were fully accomplished, that is, the position and strength of the enemy, on their Right, was known, The Confederates looked upon it as a battle and so their account called it the "Battle of Bull Run", and the engagement on the 21st of July three days later, the "Battle of Manassas", and when the Union forces retired (Note at upper left:-) [Comrade?] ["Fairbanks'?] was there & [give?] me his account [with?] more than stated here NPW (Note at lower left:-) Dont copy this (Note at upper right:-) which, by the way [illegible]
Civil War Diaries and Letters