Wright Jolley letters to his mother, 1918-1919
1918-10-23 Wright Jolley to Mrs. S.R. Jolley Page 3
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I think I get all your letters and I want you to keep writing and telling me all the news and the oftener you write the better. for you don't know how a letter cheers a man up. War is all Sherman said it was but I getting a enough to eat a fair place to sleep and all is well with me so far. Don't listen to all the fool talk the boys write home about getting home for Christmas I don't pay any attention to such rumors when the war is over it will be over and it cant come too quick to suit me. but I am comeing back someday if all goes well and I'll make up to you what you have put up with the last year. keep the home fires burning and we will try to do our
I think I get all your letters and I want you to keep writing and telling me all the news and the oftener you write the better. for you don't know how a letter cheers a man up. War is all Sherman said it was but I getting a enough to eat a fair place to sleep and all is well with me so far. Don't listen to all the fool talk the boys write home about getting home for Christmas I don't pay any attention to such rumors when the war is over it will be over and it cant come too quick to suit me. but I am comeing back someday if all goes well and I'll make up to you what you have put up with the last year. keep the home fires burning and we will try to do our
World War I Diaries and Letters