Jolley family letters, 1866 and 1882-1886
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Oct. 27th 1884 Oto Iowa Dear Mary the last letter i got from you was mailed the 27 of last month I went to Oto to day to see if thare was any mail but thare was none i thought as i had not heard from you for so long i thought i would write to you again I am well now and hope those few lines will find you the same did you get my picture i sent you in a letter about 3 weeks ago I wrote you a letter after that when i received the hankerchief did you get it i have not heard from you for so long i feel afful lonesome I hope you are not offended at what i said in one of my letters i was only in
Oct. 27th 1884 Oto Iowa Dear Mary the last letter i got from you was mailed the 27 of last month I went to Oto to day to see if thare was any mail but thare was none i thought as i had not heard from you for so long i thought i would write to you again I am well now and hope those few lines will find you the same did you get my picture i sent you in a letter about 3 weeks ago I wrote you a letter after that when i received the hankerchief did you get it i have not heard from you for so long i feel afful lonesome I hope you are not offended at what i said in one of my letters i was only in
Pioneer Lives