Jolley family letters, 1866 and 1882-1886
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<in margins> Believe me true When you are blind and cannot see put on your specks and think of me Sept 27th 1884 Dear Sidney, I received your letter last Monday. we did not get our mail last saturday but we got it on monday. I was real glad to hear from you i always feel glad to get a letter from you i did receive your first letter last winter but i was keeping Company with another fellow then but he was not the sort of a fellow for me because he drank and played Cards and Smoked and Chewed Tobacco and went to dance and i have always said i never would Marry a man that drank smoked or Chewed if i knew it and i hope to find in you a man that does neither one of these three drink smoke or chew for i dont like neither danceing i dont care so much i never danced in my life nor never went with any fellow to a dance but i have went
Believe me true When you are blind and cannot see put on your specks and think of me Sept 27th 1884 Dear Sidney, I received your letter last Monday. we did not get our mail last saturday but we got it on monday. I was real glad to hear from you i always feel glad to get a letter from you i did receive your first letter last winter but i was keeping Company with another fellow then but he was not the sort of a fellow for me because he drank and played Cards and Smoked and Chewed Tobacco and went to dance and i have always said i never would Marry a man that drank smoked or Chewed if i knew it and i hope to find in you a man that does neither one of these three drink smoke or chew for i dont like neither danceing i dont care so much i never danced in my life nor never went with any fellow to a dance but i have went
Pioneer Lives